1.1 Map Fusion: Map fusion states that for any two functions f and g, and any list xs, instead of applying f and g to xs separately, we can apply the composition of f and g to xs once. It is an optimization property since it allows traversing the list xs only once!
Let’s first define and reflect the map and compose functions.
{-@ reflect map @-}
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
{-@ reflect compose @-}
compose :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
compose f g x = f (g x)
And now, using the equational reasoning operators ===, ***, QED, and ?, prove the map fusion property.
{-@ mapFusion :: f:(b -> c) -> g:(a -> b) -> xs:[a]
-> {map (compose f g) xs == (map f) (map g xs)} @-}
mapFusion :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> Proof
mapFusion f g xs = undefined
1.2 PLE Automation: Now, using the PLE tactic, which is already activated in this module, write a shorter version of your proof.
{-@ mapFusionShorter :: f:(b -> c) -> g:(a -> b) -> xs:[a]
-> {map (compose f g) xs == (map f) (map g xs)} @-}
mapFusionShorter :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> Proof
mapFusionShorter f g xs = undefined
1.3 Fold Fusion:
Folds also have a fusion property.
Let’s first define and reflect the foldr function.
{-@ reflect foldr @-}
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr f b (x:xs) = f x (foldr f b xs)
foldr f b [] = b
The fusion property for foldr states that the composition of a function h with the fold foldr f e is equivalent to folding a different function g over the list xs. Prove the fold fusion property:
{-@ foldrFusion :: h:(b -> c) -> f:(a -> b -> b) -> g:(a -> c -> c) -> e:b -> ys:[a]
-> fuse:(x:a -> y:b -> {h (f x y) == g x (h y)})
-> { (compose h (foldr f e)) (ys) == foldr g (h e) ys }
foldrFusion :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> c -> c) -> b -> [a]
-> (a -> b -> Proof)
-> Proof
foldrFusion h f g e _ fuse = undefined
2. Higher Order Properties
2.1 Universal Fold Property: Fold has a (universal property)[https://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgmh/fold.pdf] that states that folding a function f over a list is equivalent to applying a function h to the list, as long as the two functions satisfy two conditions, encoded as base and step, below. Prove the universal fold property.
{-@ foldrUniversal
:: f:(a -> b -> b)
-> h:([a] -> b)
-> e:b
-> ys:[a]
-> base:{h [] == e }
-> step: (x:a -> xs:[a] -> {h (x:xs) == f x (h xs)})
-> { h ys == foldr f e ys }
foldrUniversal :: (a -> b -> b) -> ([a] -> b) -> b
-> [a] -> () -> (a -> [a] -> ()) -> ()
foldrUniversal f h e _ base step = undefined
2.2 Fusion via Universality: The universal property provides a powerful way to prove fusion properties.
Prove, again the foldrFusion property, but this time using the foldrUniversal property. That is, the proof should call foldrUniversal with the appropriate arguments. As the base and step conditions, you can use the provided helper functions fuse_base and fuse_step, given in task 2.3.
{-@ foldrFusionUniv :: h:(b -> c) -> f:(a -> b -> b) -> g:(a -> c -> c) -> e:b -> ys:[a]
-> fuse:(x:a -> y:b -> {h (f x y) == g x (h y)})
-> { (compose h (foldr f e)) (ys) == foldr g (h e) ys }
foldrFusionUniv :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> c -> c) -> b -> [a]
-> (a -> b -> ())
-> ()
foldrFusionUniv h f g e ys fuse
= undefined
2.3 Completing the Proof:
To complete the proof, we need to provide the helper functions fuse_base and fuse_step. Hint: The step goes by case splitting on the list while the base case is trivial.
fuse_step :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> (a -> c -> c)
-> (a -> b -> ())
-> a -> [a] -> ()
{-@ fuse_step :: h:(b -> c) -> f:(a -> b -> b) -> e:b -> g:(a -> c -> c)
-> thm:(x:a -> y:b -> { h (f x y) == g x (h y)})
-> x:a -> xs:[a]
-> {(compose h (foldr f e)) (x:xs) == g x ((compose h (foldr f e)) (xs))}
fuse_step h f e g thm x _ = undefined
fuse_base :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> ()
{-@ fuse_base :: h:(b -> c) -> f:(a -> b -> b) -> e:b
-> { compose h (foldr f e) [] == h e } @-}
fuse_base h f e = undefined
3. Encoding of Logical Properties
The following three logical properties are encoded as refinement types, using the encoding presented in the class.
Prove these properties, by defining the Haskell function definitions for lp1, lp2, and lp3:
3.1 Distributivity of And over Or:\[ lp_1 \doteq (p \land (q \lor r)) \Rightarrow ((p \land q) \lor (p \land r)) \]