Data Propositions

{- OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=LiquidHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module Lecture_09_DataPropositions where {-@ LIQUID "--reflection" @-} {-@ LIQUID "--ple" @-} import Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators import Data.Set

We saw that using the refinement types of Liquid Haskell, we can encode any predicate in higher order logic (using functions and dependent pairs, respectively for universal and existential quantification). Further using reflection we saw that we can encode in the refinement logic any terminating Haskell function.

Thus, the only thing that remains to encode is no terminating functions.

In this lecture, we will see how to encode such functions, using data propositions.

Even Numbers

Data propositions essentially axiomatize the behavior of predicates in the data type definitions, without actually giving a Haskell definition.

They are very similar to Coq’s inductive predicates. Thus, let’s look at the using the textbook example of even numbers.

First, we define the data type of natural numbers.

data N = Z | S N

Then, we axiomatize the proposition that a number is even.

data EVEN where E0 :: EVEN E2 :: N -> EVEN -> EVEN data Eveness = EVEN N {-@ data EVEN where E0 :: Prop (EVEN Z) | E2 :: n:N -> Prop (EVEN n) -> Prop (EVEN (S (S n))) @-}

The two constructors E0 and E2 axiomatize the evenness of numbers. E0 states that Z is even, and E2 states that if n is even, then S (S n) is also even.

The definition is using the Prop type, defined in the Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators module, that converts expressions into proof objects. Further, it requires the unrefined Even Haskell definition as well as an EVEN data constructor.

There are two important points in this construction.

  • First, there is no function that computes evens, thus there is no termination check, meaning, that using data propositions one can encode non-terminating computations.

  • Second, the data proposition EVEN is a proof object, thus an Even value, gives us information how the proof was constructed.

Construction of Even Numbers

Let’s construct some even numbers using the EVEN data proposition.

even0, even2, even4 :: EVEN {-@ even0 :: Prop (EVEN Z) @-} even0 = undefined {-@ even2 :: Prop (EVEN (S (S Z))) @-} even2 = undefined {-@ even4 :: Prop (EVEN (S (S (S (S Z))))) @-} even4 = undefined

Question: Fill in the above definitions to construct the even numbers 0, 2, and 4.

Since EVEN is a proof object one can inspect it, to, for example, show contradictions.

even1_false :: EVEN -> () {-@ even1_false :: Prop (EVEN (S Z)) -> {v:() | false} @-} even1_false _ = undefined

Question: Show that S Z is not even, by inspection.

Functions on Even Numbers

Let’s now show that each even number, other than 0, can be written as 2 + n, for some n.

even_plus_2 :: N -> EVEN -> (N,()) {-@ even_plus_2 :: n:{N | n /= Z} -> Prop (EVEN n) -> (m::N, {v:() | n == S (S m)}) @-} even_plus_2 _ _ = undefined

As a final exercise, let’s show that the sum of two even numbers is also even.

To do so, we first define the plus function:

{-@ reflect plus @-} plus :: N -> N -> N plus Z m = m plus (S n) m = S (plus n m)

Question: Fill in the definition of the even_plus function.

even_plus :: N -> N -> EVEN -> EVEN -> EVEN {-@ even_plus :: n:N -> m:N -> Prop (EVEN n) -> Prop (EVEN m) -> Prop (EVEN (plus n m)) @-} even_plus _ _ _ _ = undefined

Metatheory of Programming Languages

In the theory of programming languages, we often use theorem provers, like Liquid Haskell or Coq, to mechanize the proof of properties of programs.

Such proofs usually talk about program evaluation.

Due to the halting problem we cannot prove, in general that program evaluation terminates, thus such concepts are encoded as data propositions (or inductive predicates).

As a simplification, let’s consider the simply typed lambda calculus, with integers and functions.

data Expr = EApp Expr Expr | ELam Type Expr | EBVar BVar | EFVar Var | EInt Int data Type = TInt | TFun Type Type deriving Eq

Evaluation of Expressions

We use data proposition to axiomatize the step relation of the language. That is, Step e e' defines the relation e -> e'.

{-@ data Step where SAppPL :: e1:Expr -> e1':Expr -> e2:Expr -> Prop (Step e1 e1') -> Prop (Step (EApp e1 e2) (EApp e1' e2)) | SAppPR :: e1:Expr -> e2:Expr -> e2':Expr -> Prop (Step e2 e2') -> Prop (Step (EApp e1 e2) (EApp e1 e2')) | SAppE :: e:Expr -> ex:Expr -> tx:Type -> Prop (Step (EApp (ELam tx e) ex) (subst e ex)) @-}

Evaluation of an expression is defined as the transitive closure of the step relation. That is Evals e e' defines the relation e ->* e', which, in general is not terminating.

{-@ data Evals where ERefl :: e:Expr -> Prop {Evals e e} | EStep :: e1:{Expr | lc e1 } -> e2:{Expr | lc e2} -> e3:Expr -> Prop (Step e1 e2) -> Prop (Evals e2 e3) -> Prop (Evals e1 e3) @-}

Typing of Expressions

We use data propositions to axiomatize the typing relation of the language. That is, HasType g e t defines the relation \(\Gamma \vdash e : \tau\), where \(\Gamma\) is the typing environment, \(e\) is the expression and \(\tau\) is the type.

{-@ data HasType where TApp :: g:Env -> e:Expr -> ex:Expr -> t:Type -> tx:Type -> Prop (HasType g e (TFun tx t)) -> Prop (HasType g ex tx) -> Prop (HasType g (EApp e ex) t) | TLam :: g:Env -> e:Expr -> tx:Type -> t:Type -> x:{Var | not (member x (dom g)) && not (member x (freeVars e))} -> Prop (HasType (EBind x tx g) (subst e (EFVar x)) t) -> Prop (HasType g (ELam tx e) (TFun tx t)) | TVar :: g:Env -> x:{Var | member x (dom g)} -> Prop (HasType g (EFVar x) (lookupEnv g x)) | TTInt :: g:Env -> i:Int -> Prop (HasType g (EInt i) TInt) @-}

Soundness = Progress + Preservation

Having defined both the typing and evaluation relations, we can connect them to show that our type system is sound. To show soundness, following the tradition of programming languages, we prove the progress and preservation properties.

Progress states that a well-typed expression is either a value or can take a step:

{-@ progress :: e:Expr -> t:Type -> ht:Prop (HasType EEmp e t) -> Either {v:() | isValue e} (Expr, Step)<{\e' p -> prop p = Step e e'}> / [hasTypeSize ht] @-}

Preservation states that if an expression takes a step, then the resulting expression is also well-typed:

{-@ preservation :: e:{Expr | lc e} -> t:Type -> hs:Prop (HasType EEmp e t) -> e':Expr -> Prop (Step e e') -> Prop (HasType EEmp e' t) / [hasTypeSize hs] @-}

Soundness combines progress and preservation to inductively show that a well-typed expression evaluates to some expression that is either a value or can take a step.

soundness :: Expr -> Type -> Expr -> HasType -> Evals -> Either () (Expr, Step) {-@ soundness :: eo:{Expr | lc eo } -> t:Type -> e:Expr -> Prop (HasType EEmp eo t) -> Prop (Evals eo e) -> Either {v:() | isValue e} (Expr, Step)<{\e' p -> prop p = Step e e'}> @-} soundness eo t e eo_has_t eo_evals_e = case eo_evals_e of ERefl _ -> progress eo t eo_has_t EStep _eo e1 _e eo_step_e1 e1_eval_e -> soundness e1 t e (preservation eo t eo_has_t e1 eo_step_e1) e1_eval_e


In this lecture, we saw data propositions, which are used to axiomatize the behavior of predicates in the data type definitions. Data propositions have two major uses. First, they are used to encode non-terminating functions, like the evaluation function of a programming language. Second, they construct proof objects, whose inspection can facilitate proof developments. These two features allow the mechanization of sophisticated proofs, like metatheory of programming languages, in theorem provers like Liquid Haskell.

Appendix: The rest of the Code

preservation :: Expr -> Type -> HasType -> Expr -> Step -> HasType preservation _ _ _ _ _ = undefined progress :: Expr -> Type -> HasType -> Either () (Expr, Step) progress _ _ _ = undefined {-@ data Env = EEmp | EBind { eVar :: Var , eType :: Type , eTail :: {g:Env | not (member eVar (dom g)) } } @-} {-@ measure dom @-} dom :: Env -> Set Var dom (EBind x _ g) = singleton x `union` dom g dom EEmp = empty {-@ reflect lookupEnv @-} lookupEnv :: Env -> Var -> Type {-@ lookupEnv :: g:Env -> {x:Var | member x (dom g)} -> Type @-} lookupEnv (EBind x t g) y | x == y = t | otherwise = lookupEnv g y {-@ reflect eAppend @-} {-@ eAppend :: g1:Env -> g2:{Env | disjoined (dom g1) (dom g2) } -> {g:Env | dom g == union (dom g1) (dom g2) } @-} eAppend :: Env -> Env -> Env eAppend EEmp g2 = g2 eAppend (EBind x tx g1) g2 = EBind x tx (eAppend g1 g2) {-@ inline disjoined @-} disjoined :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Bool disjoined g1 g2 = intersection g1 g2 == empty -- Define Proposition as the predicates you want to reason about. data Proposition = HasType Env Expr Type -- g |- e :: t | Step Expr Expr -- e -> e' | Evals Expr Expr -- e ->* e' -- | Hastype Axiomatization (typing rules). -- | Prop (HasType g e t) defines g |- e : t -- Proof Debugging {-@ assertProp :: p:Proposition -> Prop p -> Prop p @-} assertProp :: Proposition -> a -> a assertProp _ x = x -- | Measure for termination proofs hasTypeSize :: HasType -> Int {-@ hasTypeSize :: HasType -> {v:Int | 0 < v } @-} {-@ measure hasTypeSize @-} hasTypeSize (TTInt _ _) = 1 hasTypeSize (TVar _ _) = 1 hasTypeSize (TLam _ _ _ _ _ ht) = hasTypeSize ht + 1 hasTypeSize (TApp _ _ _ _ _ ht1 ht2) = hasTypeSize ht1 + hasTypeSize ht2 + 1 -- Haskell Definitions data Step where SAppPL :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Step -> Step SAppPR :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Step -> Step SAppE :: Expr -> Expr -> Type -> Step data HasType where TApp :: Env -> Expr -> Expr -> Type -> Type -> HasType -> HasType -> HasType TLam :: Env -> Expr -> Type -> Type -> Var -> HasType -> HasType TVar :: Env -> Var -> HasType TTInt :: Env -> Int -> HasType data Evals where ERefl :: Expr -> Evals EStep :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Step -> Evals -> Evals
{-@ measure isValue @-} isValue :: Expr -> Bool isValue (EApp _ _) = False isValue (ELam _ _) = True isValue (EBVar _) = False isValue (EFVar _) = False isValue (EInt _) = True {-@ measure freeVars @-} freeVars :: Expr -> Set Var freeVars (EApp e1 e2) = freeVars e1 `union` freeVars e2 freeVars (ELam _ e) = freeVars e freeVars (EFVar x) = singleton x freeVars (EBVar x) = empty freeVars (EInt _) = empty {-@ measure boundVars @-} boundVars :: Expr -> Set Var boundVars (EApp e1 e2) = boundVars e1 `union` boundVars e2 boundVars (ELam _ e) = boundVars e boundVars (EBVar x) = singleton x boundVars (EFVar _) = empty boundVars (EInt _) = empty {-@ reflect subst @-} {-@ subst :: e:Expr -> ex:Expr -> {s:Expr | freeVars s = freeVars e || freeVars s = union (freeVars e) (freeVars ex) } @-} subst :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr subst e u = substBound e 0 u {-@ reflect substBound @-} {-@ substBound :: e:Expr -> BVar -> ex:Expr -> {s:Expr | freeVars s = freeVars e || freeVars s = union (freeVars e) (freeVars ex)} @-} substBound :: Expr -> BVar -> Expr -> Expr substBound (EApp e1 e2) x ex = EApp (substBound e1 x ex) (substBound e2 x ex) substBound (ELam t e) x ex = ELam t (substBound e (x+1) ex) substBound (EFVar y) _ _ = EFVar y substBound (EInt i) _ _ = EInt i substBound (EBVar y) x ex | x == y = ex | otherwise = EBVar y {-@ reflect lc @-} lc :: Expr -> Bool lc e = lc_at 0 e {-@ reflect lc_at @-} lc_at :: BVar -> Expr -> Bool lc_at k (EBVar i) = i < k lc_at k (EFVar _) = True lc_at k (EInt _) = True lc_at k (EApp e1 e2) = lc_at k e1 && lc_at k e2 lc_at k (ELam _ e) = lc_at (k+1) e type Var = Int type BVar = Int {-@ type BVar = {i:Int | 0 <= i} @-} {-@ measure isTFun @-} isTFun :: Type -> Bool isTFun (TFun _ _) = True isTFun _ = False {-@ typeSize :: Type -> Nat @-} {-@ measure typeSize @-} typeSize :: Type -> Int typeSize TInt = 1 typeSize (TFun tx t) = 1 + typeSize tx + typeSize t data Env = EEmp | EBind Var Type Env deriving Eq