
{- OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=LiquidHaskell #-} module Lecture_04_Termination where import Prelude hiding (map, gcd, mod) main :: IO () main = return ()

By default Liquid Haskell checks that every function terminates. This is required for two reasons:

  1. Termination is the expected behavior for most functions. So, many times potential non-termination is a bug.
  2. Termination is required for the soundness of the type system.

Up to now, we were deactivating the termination checker with the --no-termination flag or with the lazy annotation. Now, we will see how to prove termination in cases where Liquid Haskell cannot do it automatically.

Termination Requires Refinements!

We start with the known fibonacci function.

{-@ fib :: i:Int -> Int @-} fib :: Int -> Int fib i | i == 0 = 0 | i == 1 = 1 | otherwise = fib (i-1) + fib (i-2)

Liquid Haskell will create an error in the above definition, even though it does not violate any refinement type specification.

This is a termination error and it will disappear if we turn off termination checking (either with --no-termination pragma or with {-@ lazy fib@-} annotation).

Question: Does fib terminate?

To ensure fib terminates we need to restrict the input to be non-negative. This is actually implied by the error message that requires the recursive argument to be 0 <= v and v < i.

This error was generated because Liquid Haskell was trying to prove termination of the function fib by applying its termination heuristic.

Termination Heuristic: The first argument that can be “sized”, i.e., turned into nat, should be decreasing in recursive calls and non negative.

Int is by default “sized” while later we will see how to make other types “sized”.

Termination Metrics

The heuristic fails in many cases. For example, consider the function range that generates a list of integers from lo to hi.

{-@ range :: lo:Int -> hi:Int -> [Int] @-} range :: Int -> Int -> [Int] range lo hi | lo < hi = lo : range (lo+1) hi | otherwise = []

Question: Does range terminate?

The termination heuristic fails because the first argument is not decreasing in recursive calls. To specify that the value hi - lo is decreasing we need to introduce a termination metric:

{-@ range :: lo:Int -> hi:Int -> [Int] / [hi - lo]@-} 

Termination metrics are integer expressions that can depend on the function arguments and once provided, Liquid Haskell will use them to check termination. Concretely, at each recursive call it will check that the termination metric is both decreasing and non-negative.

Lexicographic Termination

Many times a single natural number is not enough to specify termination. For example, consider the ackermann function:

{-@ ack :: m:Int -> n:Int -> Int @-} ack :: Int -> Int -> Int ack m n | m == 0 = n + 1 | n == 0 = ack (m-1) 1 | otherwise = ack (m-1) (ack m (n-1))

Question: Does ack terminate?

To show that ack terminates we need to provide a lexicographic termination metric. Now at each recursive call, Liquid Haskell will check that the first component of the metric is decreasing and if it is equal, it will check the second component, etc.

The GCD Example

The Greater Common Divisor (gcd) function is an interesting example, because it might or not require lexicographic termination.

Question: Refine properly the gcd and mod functions to ensure termination.

{-@ gcd :: a:Nat -> b:Nat -> Int @-} gcd :: Int -> Int -> Int gcd a 0 = a gcd a b = gcd b (a `mod` b) {-@ mod :: a:Nat -> b:Nat -> Nat @-} mod :: Int -> Int -> Int mod a b | a < b = a | otherwise = mod (a - b) b

Question: Provide the proper lexicographic termination metric for the below gcd function.

{-@ gcd' :: a:Int -> b:Int -> Int @-} gcd' :: Int -> Int -> Int gcd' 0 b = 0 gcd' a 0 = a gcd' a b | a == b = a | a > b = gcd' (a - b) b | a < b = gcd' a (b - a)

Data Types

When recursive functions are defined on data types, Liquid Haskell will first look for structural termination, meaning that the recursive calls are on a structural subpart of the input. For example, the map definition below terminates because xs is a subpart of x:xs.

{-@ map :: (a -> b) -> xs:[a] -> [b] @-} map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map _ [] = [] map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs

Of course, not all recursive functions on data types are structurally terminating. As an example consider the merge function below.

{-@ merge :: xs:[a] -> ys:[a] -> [a] @-} merge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] merge xs [] = xs merge [] ys = ys merge (x:xs) (y:ys) | x < y = x:(merge xs (y:ys)) | otherwise = y:(merge ys (x:xs))

Question: Let’s prove merge terminating using a termination metric.

Question: Let’s also show that merge propagates sortedness, by refining the inputs and output to be IList:

{-@ type IList a = [a]<{\h t -> h <= t}> @-}

User Defined Data Types

In user defined data types, Liquid Haskell tries to prove structural termination. For example, mapping over a list defined as a user defined data type will not require a termination metric.

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) lmap :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b lmap _ Nil = Nil lmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (lmap f xs)

The user can provide a size for each user defined data type. Here, for example, we define the size of a List to be the length of the list.

{-@ data List [llen] @-} {-@ measure llen @-} {-@ llen :: List a -> Nat @-} llen :: List a -> Int llen Nil = 0 llen (Cons _ xs) = 1 + llen xs

Now, when structural termination fails, Liquid Haskell will use the size of the data type to check termination. For example, note the termination error provided in the lmerge function below.

lmerge :: Ord a => List a -> List a -> List a lmerge xs Nil = xs lmerge Nil ys = ys lmerge (Cons x xs) (Cons y ys) | x < y = Cons x (lmerge xs (Cons y ys)) | otherwise = Cons y (lmerge (Cons x xs) ys)

Mutual Recursion

On mutual recursion, the user needs to provide termination metrics. For example, consider the isEven and isOdd functions below.

{-@ isEven :: n:Nat -> Bool @-} {-@ isOdd :: m:Nat -> Bool @-} isEven :: Int -> Bool isEven 0 = True isEven n = isOdd (n-1) isOdd :: Int -> Bool isOdd m = not $ isEven m

Question: Provide the proper termination metrics for the isEven and isOdd functions.

This pattern of providing numeric values for lexicographic termination metrics appears very often in mutually recursive functions. For example, the below code is a simplification of a real world example and follows the same pattern.

Question: Provide the proper termination metrics for the eval and evalAnd functions?

data BExpr = Const Bool | And BExpr BExpr {-@ measure size @-} size :: BExpr -> Int {-@ size :: BExpr -> Nat @-} size (Const _) = 0 size (And e1 e2) = 1 + size e1 + size e2 {-@ eval :: e:BExpr -> Bool @-} eval :: BExpr -> Bool eval (Const b) = b eval (And b1 b2) = evalAnd b2 (eval b1) {-@ evalAnd :: e:BExpr -> Bool -> Bool @-} evalAnd :: BExpr -> Bool -> Bool evalAnd b2 x1 = if x1 then (eval b2) else False


Liquid Haskell, by default, checks that every function terminates. It has three mechanisms to prove termination:

  1. Structural Termination: for recursive functions on data types, Liquid Haskell will check that the recursive calls are on a subpart of the input. If this check fails, either because the function is not defined on a data type or because the recursive calls are not on a subpart of the input, then there are two more mechanisms.
  2. Termination Heuristic: the first argument that can be “sized” should be decreasing and non negative in recursive calls.
  3. Termination Metrics: user provided, integer expressions that can depend on the function arguments and are used to check termination.

The --no-termination flag or the {-@ lazy @-} annotation can be used to deactivate the termination checker, either because the user is not willing to prove termination or because the functions are intentionally non-terminating.