Haskell in the Real World

Let’s look how a real Haskell program looks like by examining the tic-tac-toc game in https://github.com/nikivazou/tic-tac-toe.

Basic build

We can build the game by running

cd src 
ghc --make TicTacToe.hs

Then the executable TicTacToe is created. This executable runs the function main :: IO () inside the module Main. Usually, the Main module mostly interacts with the real world, while all the pure functions and types are defined in different modules. Here, all the types are defined in Types and all the playing strategies in the Strategies.*.


In Haskell each file is a module. Each module defines a set of functions (that other modules can import).

A module can export all the defined functions, e.g.,

module Types where 

or some specific functions, e.g.,

module Player.Computer (playerComputer) where 

When importing modules you again have many alternatives:

import Types 
import Player.Human (playerHuman)
import Prelude hiding ((!!))
import qualified Data.List 
import qualified Data.Maybe as M 

Type Definitions

Two ways to define types in Haskell are data and type. We already saw that data defines new data types, e.g.,

data Tile = EmptyTile | X | O 

On the other hand, type type is used to define type alias for existing types (why?). For example a move is a pair of integers,

type Move   = (Int,Int)

while the board maps moves to tiles

type Board  = [(Move, Tile)]

Data and types can get quite interesting! For example, the Types.Player data type has a function playerMove that defines all the functionality of the tic-tac-toe game.

data Player = 
 Player { playerMove :: Tile -> Board -> IO Move
        , playerName :: String

Player.Human and Player.Computer define different values of this data type, by defining how a human and the computer play a move.

Deriving instances

Haskell supports overloading of functions (that is the same function performs different operations depending on the arguments that it is called) via type classes.

Two of the most famous type classes are Eq and Show for equality checking and printing resp.

class Eq a where 
   (==) :: a -> a -> Bool 
class Show a where
  show :: a -> String 

There are two ways to define the (==) and show methods for a data type

instance Show Tile where
  show EmptyTile = "     "
  show X         = "  X  "
  show O         = "  O  "
data Tile = EmptyTile | X | O 
 deriving (Eq)

Why not always automatically derive the instances?

  1. Sometimes the derived instance is not the desired one. See what happens when the show method for Tile is derived.

  2. Sometimes derivation is impossible. For example, the compiler cannot derive a show for Players as there is no (standard) way to show functions. But we can define show just to print playerName.

Package Manager

One can compile applications directly with ghc, but as the application grows we really need a package manager.

Haskell’s package manager is cabal.

# tic-tac-toe.cabal
build-depends: random >=1.1 && <1.2

Q: Why do we need lower and upper bounds?

cabal install 

What if I simultaneously want to build two different application with conflicting dependencies?

# evil-tic-tac-toe
build-depends: random >=0.6 && <1.0

Sandboxing lets you have locally different versions of the same library specific for each application you are building. Haskell’s sandboxer is stack. It requires a (semi-automatically built) stack.yaml file and

stack init 

will generate a .stack-work directory that will store all local dependencies.

Do not forget the testing

Testing should always be part of the development process! Cabal lets you build a test suite. Here

cabal configure --enable-tests
cabal test 

will run tests/Test.hs (that indeed does nothing…). Alternatively, just run

stack test

Code sharing

When your project is ready, share it on Hackage so that other Haskellers enjoy it!

Until it is ready upload it on github. Why?