Haskell 101: Syntax
Haskell is a general purpose language! This site is writen in Haskell, check the source code here!
> module Main where
> import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
> import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper)
> import Data.List (nub, nubBy)
> import Prelude hiding (head, tail, (++), map, foldr, length, const)
Haskell is a functional language: supports direct encoding of mathematical functions. For example, the Fibonacci definition
fib0 = 0
fib1 = 1
fibi = fibi − 1 + fibi − 2
is directly encoded as
> fib :: Int -> Int
> fib i = if i == 0 then 0
> else if i == 1 then 1
> else fib (i-1) + fib (i-2)
Haskell functions are like math functions: pure (side-effect free).
- advantage: everytime you can a function with same input it returns the same output.
- disadvantage: interaction with the world is tricky.
- neutral: there are no loops! (only recursion)
Running your code
To run the fib
function, you can load this file to ghci
, a Haskell interpreter.
> ghci
GHCi, version 8.0.2: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Prelude> :l Haskell101.lhs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Haskell101.lhs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
You can ask ghci
the type or further information about the loaded functions,
*Main> :t fib
fib :: Int -> Int
*Main> :i fib
fib :: Int -> Int -- Defined at Haskell101.lhs:30:1
evaluate your code,
*Main> fib 10
make new definitions (that went fast!),
*Main> let fib42 = fib 42
or quit.
*Main> :q
Leaving GHCi.
Q: Is fib 42
actually evaluated in the above definition?
Syntax: Guards
Guards provide an alternative syntax for if expressions. The body of the first guard that is evaluated to true is returned.
> fib1 :: Int -> Int
> fib1 i
> | i == 0 || i == 1
> = i
> | otherwise
> = fib1 (i-1) + fib1 (i-2)
Note: No =
before the guards!
Syntax: Case Analysis
Another alternative syntax is using case
> fib2 :: Int -> Int
> fib2 i = case i of
> 0 -> 0
> 1 -> 1
> i -> fib2 (i-1) + fib2 (i-2)
The golden rule of indentation: Code which is part of some expression should be indented further in than the beginning of that expression (even if the expression is not the leftmost element of the line).
Violations of this rule lead to syntax error!
Syntax: Pattern Matching
A final equivalent syntax is pattern matching:
> fib3 :: Int -> Int
> fib3 1 = 1
> fib3 0 = 0
> fib3 i = fib3 (i-1) + fib3 (i-2)
Evaluation order is from top to bottom.
Q: What happens if the recursive fib3 i
case is defined first?
Q: What is the value of fib
on negative inputs?
Data Types
Data types classify data for two main purposes.
Purpose 1: Specification to the programmer of the permitted set of operations.
: case analysis, numeric operations ((+)
, …)Double
: case analysis, numeric operations ((/)
, …)Char
: case analysis,Data.Char.isUpper
, …
Purpose 2: Specification to the compiler how the programmer intends to use the data.
is the type of machine integers, with guaranteed range at least -229 to 229 − 1.Integer
is arbitrary precision integers, with range as large as you have memory for.
Adding 1
to the largest Int
will give an overflow.
maxBound :: Int
(maxBound + 1) :: Int
User Defined Data Types
Users can comlibe data together and provide more operations to them. For example, the data IntError
combines integer values with Error
> data IntError
> = Value {val :: Int}
> | Error {err :: String}
Every user defined data type comes with three operations
- Construction: How to construct such the data type
Value 42 :: IntError
Error "Not Valid" :: IntValue
- Selection: Select value from data type
*Main> val (Value 42)
*Main> err (Value 42)
*** Exception: No match in record selector err
- Case Analysis: How to deconstruct the content of the data
case val of
Value i -> i + 42
Error s -> error e
We use IntError
to return Error
when fib
is called on negative numbers.
> fibError :: Int -> IntError
> fibError 0 = Value 0
> fibError 1 = Value 1 -- construction
> fibError i =
> case fibError (i-1) of -- case analysis
> Value j -> case fibError (i-2) of
> Value k -> Value (j+k)
> Error s -> Error s
> Error s -> Error s
Maybe Data Type
is similar to Haskell’s Maybe
data type that has two constructors Just
and Nothing
> fibMaybe' :: Int -> Int
> fibMaybe' i = fromJust (fibMaybe i)
> fibMaybe :: Int -> Maybe Int
> fibMaybe i | i < 0 = Nothing
> fibMaybe 0 = Just 0
> fibMaybe 1 = Just 1
> fibMaybe i =
> case fibMaybe (i-1) of
> Just j -> case fibMaybe (i-2) of
> Just k -> Just (j+k)
> Nothing -> Nothing
> Nothing -> Nothing
Q: What is an advantage of using Maybe
instead of user-defined IntError
List is the most famous Haskell data type with two constructors
- the empty list
and - the cons operator
Toy List Construction
List construction happens via these two constructors!
3:2:1:[] :: [Int]
[3, 2, 1] :: [Int] -- simplification
Lists can contain any values
[True] :: [Bool]
['c', 'h', 'a', 'r'] :: [Char]
"char" :: String
[Value 9, Error "pff"] :: [IntError]
Q: What is the type of the empty list?
[] :: ??
Q: Is there a type for the cons constructor too?
(:) :: ??
Case analysis uses the list constructors
listCase :: [Int] -> Int
listCase xs =
case xs of
[] -> 1
[2] -> 2
[x,y,z] -> 3
x:xs -> 4
[x,y] -> 5
Q: What is the value of listCase [2, 6]
List Comprehension
Due to its popularity, list manipulation is greatly simplified by list comprehensions.
- List range
[lo .. hi]
gives the list of values from lo
to hi
For example, [1..10]
gives the list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
and ['a'..'z']
gives “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”!
- Filterning
Ranges can be filtered with predicates that go after the range.
> evens = [x | x<-[1..10], x `mod` 2 == 0]
With this we can solve many Project Euler problems!
Q: Problem 1 of Project Euler asks for the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
> problem1 :: Int
> problem1 = sum (helper 1 999)
> problem1' = [x | x <- [1..999], mod x 3 == 0 || mod x 5 == 0]
> helper lo hi
> | lo >= hi = []
> | lo `mod` 3 == 0 || lo `mod` 5 == 0 = lo:helper (lo+1) hi
> | otherwise = helper (lo+1) hi
- Pairs
List comprehensions can compile elements from different ranges
> pairs = [(x,y) | x<-[1..10], y<-[1..10]]
For example, triangles
give all possible triangles with sizes less than 10
> triangles = [(x,y,z) | x<-[1..10], y<-[1..10], z<-[1..10]]
We can get only the right triangles by adding the pythagorean constraint. For efficiency we search only for sides x
and y
that are not greater than the hypotenuse.
> rightTriangles
> = [(x,y,z) | z<-[1..10], y<-[1..z], x<-[1..y]
> , x^2 + y^2 == z^2]
Q: The triangle (4,3,5)
appears twice as (4,3,5)
and (3,4,5)
. How do we filter such duplication?
Finally, we parameterize the right triangle generation on the length of the hypotenuse to get all right triangles with length up to n
> allRightTriangles n
> = [(x,y,z) | z<-[1..n], y<-[1..z], x<-[1..y]
> , x^2 + y^2 == z^2]
Recursion on Lists
List comprehension is great but most of the times we need to use traditional recursion to define functions on lists.
- Getting the length of a list
> length :: [a] -> Int
> length [] = 0
> length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs
length [1, 2, 3, 4] = 4
length [] = 0
length "string" = 6
Note: length
is polymorphic it operates on lists of every type.
Note: In Haskell
the length
function is defined in Prelude
, that is the module that contain all the basic functions and data definitions and is by default loaded. If you want to redefine functions in Prelude
you need to explicitly hide the default ones. Look at the beginning of this file to see how indeed we hide the Prelude.length
- Getting the head of a list
The function head
returns the head of the list. head
is partial that is, it is not defined in all list inputs as it crashes on empty lists.
> head :: [a] -> a
> head (x:_) = x
> head [] = error "head on empty list"
*Main> head "Haskell"
*Main> head []
*** Exception: head on empty list
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at Haskell101.lhs:391:14 in main:Main
We can just delete the error case from the list definition and Haskell will insert a default error call for us!
> head' :: [a] -> a
> head' (x:_) = x
*Main> head' "Haskell"
*Main> head' []
*** Exception: Haskell101.lhs:406:1-15: Non-exhaustive patterns in function head'
Note on polymorphism: The function error
is suspicious and we can see it from its type
error :: String -> a
It returns any value a
. In the head
definition a
is unified with a list.
The rule of polymorphism is that every function that returns a type variable not appearing in its arguments will crash.
For example, you can define a non-crashing functions that takes two arguments of type a
and b
and returns a b
> const :: a -> b -> b
> const = challenge
Now, try to define a non-crashing function that takes two arguments of type a
and b
and returns a c
> challenge :: a1 -> b1 -> c1
> challenge x y = error ""
Back to recursive list functions, let’s take the tail of a list!
Q: Define the tail of a list
tail "Yeah Haskell!" = "eah Haskell!"
tail [1, 2, 3, 4] = [2, 3, 4]
> tail :: [a] -> [a]
> tail (x:xs) = xs
Q: Concatenate two lists
concat "?eah " "Haskell!!!!!" = "?eah Haskell!!!!!"
concat [-1, 0] [1, 2, 3, 4] = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
> concat' :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
> concat' [] ys = ys
> -- concat' xs [] = xs
> concat' (x:xs) ys = x:(concat' xs ys)
Note on infix operators. The default list concatenation operator in Haskell is the infix (++)
"?eah" ++ "Haskell!!!!!" = "?eah Haskell!!!!!"
[-1, 0] ++ [1, 2, 3, 4] = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
The infix (++)
is defined as follows
> (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
> [] ++ ys = ys
> (x:xs) ++ ys = x:(xs ++ ys)
Every infix operator becomes prefix is you wrap it in parenthesis
(++) "?eah" "Haskell!!!!!" = "?eah Haskell!!!!!"
(++) [-1, 0] [1, 2, 3, 4] = [2, 3, 4]
The other way, every prefix operator becomes infix if you wrap it in “`”. For example the elem x xs
function that checks if x
is an element of the list xs
can be used as infix
*Main> elem 1 [1..10]
*Main> 1 `elem` [1..10]
Computation Patters: mapping
Let’s write a function that converts a string to uppercase. Recall that in Haskell, a String is just a list of Char. We must start with a function that will convert an individual Char to its uppercase version. Once we find this function, we will simply jog over the list, and apply the function to each Char.
How might we find such a transformer? Lets query Hoogle for a function of the appropriate type! Ah, we see that the module Data.Char contains a function.
toLower :: Char -> Char
and so now, we can write the simple recursive function
toLowerString :: String -> String
toLowerString [] = []
toLowerString (c:cs) = toLower c : toLowerString cs
Lets now write a function that given a list of integers increases each of its elements by 1
plusOneList :: [Int] -> [Int]
plusOneList [] = []
plusOneList (n:ns) = (n+1) : plusOneList ns
Now, in a lesser language, you might be quite happy with the above code. But what separates a good programmer from a great one, is the ability to abstract.
Like humans and monkeys, the functions toLowerString
and plusOneList
share 93% of their DNA — the notion of jogging over the list. The common pattern is described by the polymorphic higher-order function map
> map f [] = []
> map f (x:xs) = (f x) : (map f xs)
How did we arrive at this? Well, you find what is enshrine in the function’s body that which is common to the different instances, namely the recursive jogging strategy; and the bits that are different, simply become the function’s parameters! Thus, the map function abstracts, or if you have a vivid imagination, locks up in a bottle, the extremely common pattern of jogging over the list.
Verily, the type of map tells us exactly what it does
> map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
That is, it takes an a -> b
transformer and list of a values, and transforms each value to return a list of b values. We can now safely reuse the pattern, by instantiating the transformer with different specific operations.
> toLowerString = map toLower
> plusOneList = map (+1)
Much better.
Once you’ve put on the FP goggles, you start seeing computation patterns everywhere.
Lets write a function that adds all the elements of a list.
listAdd [] = 0
listAdd (x:xs) = x + (listAdd xs)
Next, a function that multiplies the elements of a list.
listMul [] = 1
listMul (x:xs) = x * (listMul xs)
Can you see the pattern? Again, the only bits that are different are the base case value, and the op being performed at each step. We’ll just turn those into parameters, and lo!
> foldr op base [] = base
> foldr op base (x:xs) = x `op` (foldr op base xs)
Now, each of the individual functions are just specific instances of the general foldr pattern.
> listAdd = foldr (+) 0
> listMul = foldr (*) 1
To develop some intuition about foldr lets “run” it a few times by hand.
foldr op base [x1,x2,...,xn]
== {- unfold -}
x1 `op` (foldr op base [x2,...,xn])
== {- unfold -}
x1 `op` (x2 `op` (foldr op base [...,xn]))
== {- unfold -}
x1 `op` (x2 `op` (... `op` (xn `op` base)))
Aha! It has a rather pleasing structure that mirrors that of lists; the : is replaced by the op and the []
is replaced by base
. Thus, can you see how to use it to eliminate recursion from the recursion from
listLen [] = 0
listLen (x:xs) = 1 + (listLen xs)
to define list length in one line.
> listLen xs = foldr (\_ tailLen -> 1 + tailLen) 0 xs
Let’s Haskell it up! (a.k.a. make listLen
shorter but almost unreadable…)
- Step 1: Arguments that appear only at the end of the definition can be deleted
listLen = foldr (\_ tailLen -> 1 + tailLen) 0
- Step 2: Unused arguments can be simplified with
const :: a -> b -> a
. The functionconst
just consumes the second unused argumentb
listLen = foldr (const (\tailLen -> 1 + tailLen)) 0
- Step 3: Back to Step 1 on
listLen = foldr (const (1+)) 0
Higher-Order Haskell dialect
We call map
and foldr
higher order functions because they accept function arguments. To better understand higher order programming, lets play with Haskell’s most common functions, the dollar and the dot.
Haskell dislikes parethensis so much that has a (very commonly used) operator merely to remove parenthesis. The ‘$’ operator is used to remove parenthesis at the last argument of functions. For example
take 5 (map (+1) [1..10])
is writen as
take 5 $ map (+1) [1..10]
The cool part: ‘$’ is a Haskell function defined in the Prelude
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
f $ x = f x
with a fixity annotation that gives it higher precedence than function application!
infixr 0 $
The cooler part: you can (ab)use dollar to apply a constant x
to a function, for every function!
Q: What is the type of ($ "me!")
Q: What is the result of map ($ "me!") [map toUpper , (++"!?!?!")]
The coolest part: you can define your own dollar-like functions For instance, we can define the (•)
operator to with a strong left precedence (that is, stronger than function application)
> infixl 0 •
> (•) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
> f • x = f x
Now we can remove all the argument parenthesis and intead create argument lists!
> fourArgs :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String
> fourArgs x1 x2 x3 x4 = x1 ++ x2 ++ x3 ++ x4
> argList = fourArgs
> • "Now I can list my arguments!"
> • map toUpper "I am the second Argument!"
> • map toLower "Argument List !!!"
> • map toUpper "Final Argument" ++ "!!!"
The second famous Haskell operator is (.)
for function composition.
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
f . g x = f (g x)
For example, adding first 1
and then 4
to an argument adds 5
to the argument!
*Main> let plus5 = (+4) . (+1)
*Main> plus5 0
Not so interesting… Lets compose more interesting functions!
We start with a function that checks greater than 1
*Main> :t (>1)
(>1) :: Int -> Bool
*Main> (>1) 0
*Main> (>1) 2
We compose the above function once:
*Main> :t ((>1).)
((>1).) :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Bool
*Main> ((>1).) (+42) 1
*Main> ((>1).) (+42) (-90)
And compose it again!
*Main> :t (((>1).).)
(((>1).).) :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int -> Bool
*Main> (((>1).).) (+) 1 2
*Main> (((>1).).) (+) 1 0
We can now define a function isFactor x y
that checks if x
is a factor of y
> isFactor :: Int -> Int -> Bool
> isFactor = (((>1).).gcd)
Lets close it up by using isFactor
to find out all the prime numbers!
The list function nub
filters out all the list duplicates
nub :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
nub [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
[1, 2, 3]
The list function nubBy
uses a user specified predicate to filter out list elements
nubBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) [a] -> [a]
nubBy (<) [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
[1, 1]
When the nub predicate is isFactor
then we get back only prime numbers!
> primes = nubBy (((>1).).gcd) [1..100]
Interaction with the real world
Now you have learned everything you need to write basic Haskell programs. But, if Haskell programs are pure (i.e., same input always gives same output) wouldn’t Haskell programs be obsolete? Programs make sense only when they returned (or output) different results, depending on some user input.
Haskell carefully allows interaction with the real world (input and output) on computations inside the “IO monad”.
A function with a “normal” result type is pure. For example none of the following functions can depend on the outside world
fib :: Int -> Int
allRightTriangles :: Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
id :: a -> a
Functions that return a value wrapped in IO
clearly state their dependence on the input and output world. For example putStrLn
outputs its input string and getLine
gets an input string from the user.
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
getLine :: IO String
Using the above functions we can ask the user for an integer input, compute the allRightTriangles
of that input and output the result.
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> putStrLn "Hello there!"
> putStrLn "What right triangle are you looking for? "
> i <- getLine
> let triangles = allRightTriangles (read i)
> putStrLn (show triangles)
All IO
computations are written inside a do
notation where there are two kind of defined variable
- pure that are defined using
and - impure defined using
Doesn’t IO
break Haskell’s purity? No! All impure computations are carefully wrapped in the IO
monad! Also, Impure IO
functions can call pure mathematical functions but not the inverse, enforcing a clear separation of the purity boundaries.
Compiling your code
After adding interaction with the user, this file can be compiled to create an executable program!
Compilation of this file happens with the following command.
ghc Haskell101.lhs --make
that creates the Haskell101
executable. The executable runs the main :: IO ()
function that here computes all the right triangles!