You are Haskellers

At this point in the course, you know enough to consider yourself Haskellers. You know what a monad is, and even we saw a cool applicatino where testing is monadic! If you want to learn more about using Haskell, I encourage you to check out the class resources.

Let me briefly add some further resources:

As a rule, the Haskell community is welcoming, mostly because we’ve all seen how awesome Haskell is and we want to share the love!

One of the reasons why we love Haskell is purity. Haskell has no side effect, other than

*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list

Today we will see how Haskell’s types are extended to prevent such errors. Next we will see how similar reasoning is done using Liquid Haskell.

Dependent Haskell

This lecture is adjusted from Richard Eisenberg’s class.

As we’ve seen a few times, Haskell supports extensions, enabling you to turn on certain language features if you want them. From here on out, we’ll be using a bunch.

> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs                    #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType               #-} 
> {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                #-} 
> {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables      #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving       #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies             #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators            #-}
> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wincomplete-patterns #-}  -- warn if we forget a case
> module DependentHaskell where
> import Data.Kind  ( Type )
> import Prelude hiding ( reverse, (++), replicate ) -- we'll define our own

Generalized Algebraic Datatypes (GADTs)

We have seen the Maybe type many many times!

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a 

An alternative way to define Maybe is the following

data Maybe a where
  Nothing :: Maybe a
  Just    :: a -> Maybe a

that declares the types of the data constructors Nothing and Just.

When we declare the Nothing and Just constructors, we give them types that end in Maybe a, the datatype we are declaring. But, what if the parameter to Maybe there isn’t a?

> data G a where
>   MkGInt  :: Int  -> G Int
>   MkGBool :: Bool -> G Bool
> foo :: G a -> a
> foo (MkGInt  n) = n + 5
> foo (MkGBool b) = not b

Note how n is an integer while b is a boolean!

Q: Define the function negG that negates the values inside G:

> negG :: G a -> G a 
> negG (MkGInt i) = MkGInt (-i)
> negG (MkGBool b) = MkGBool (not b)

We can now make a definition usable to represent a Haskell type:

> data TypeRep a where
>   TInt    :: TypeRep Int
>   TBool   :: TypeRep Bool
>   TDouble :: TypeRep Double
>   TMaybe  :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep (Maybe a)
>   TFun    :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> TypeRep (a -> b)
> zero :: TypeRep a -> a   -- produces a "zero" of a certain type
> zero TInt       = 0
> zero TBool      = False
> zero TDouble    = 0.0
> zero (TMaybe _) = Nothing
> zero (TFun _ b) = \ _ -> zero b

Data Kinds

There is even another way to declare the definition of Maybe:

data Maybe a where
  Nothing :: Maybe a
  Just    :: a -> Maybe a

Can also be written as

data Maybe :: Type -> Type where
  Nothing  :: Maybe a
  Just     :: a -> Maybe a

Indicating that given some type t, Maybe t returns a type. Let’s go and generalize that to allow type constructors take data arguments!

We’ve been talking about algebraic datatypes for months now, so these are nothing new. But, with the right LANGUAGE extensions (I recommend TypeInType, but the older DataKinds also works), you can use an algebraic datatype as a type. So, if we have

> data Nat where
>   Zero :: Nat
>   Succ :: Nat -> Nat

then we can say

> data T :: Nat -> Type where
>   MkT :: String -> T n
>  deriving Show 

With this defintion, the constructor MkT (when applied to a String) gives us a T n for any Nat n. For example, we could have

> temp :: T Zero
> temp = MkT ""


> hi :: T (Succ (Succ Zero))
> hi = MkT "hi"


> bye :: T (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))
> bye = MkT "bye"

Here, Zero and Succ are being used in types, not ordinary expressions. In these examples the type tells us how many characters the value string has, but this invariant is not enforced by the type system. One can just violate it:

> unsafe = MkT "unsafe"

Q: Which two are bad types for unsafe?

unsafe :: T n                         -- 1)
unsafe :: T Zero                      -- 2)
unsafe :: T (Maybe Zero)              -- 3)
unsafe :: T (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))) -- 4) 
unsafe :: Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))     -- 5)


 data T :: Nat -> Type where MkT :: String -> T n

We will see how such invariant can be enforced via length index vectors. But first let’s clarify one technicality.

Technicality: One point of complication arises here, though: Haskell has two separate namespaces: one for constructors and one for types. This is why we can have types like

> data SameName where
>   SameName :: Bool -> SameName

Here, SameName is a type and its constructor. This is idiomatic in Haskell, if confusing for newcomers to the language. Normally, constructors and types are written in different places in your code, so the re-use of the name isn’t problematic. However, if we can use constructors in types (as we have with Zero and Succ) this is problematic. Haskell’s solution is to use ' (that is, an apostrophe) to disambiguate. So, if a name is used as both a constructor and a type, use ' in a type to choose the constructor. So, the kind of the type SameName is Type, but the kind of the type 'SameName is Bool -> SameName. GHC prints out constructors in types with the tick-marks.

Length-indexed vectors

One of the most common examples of a GADT is a length-indexed vector, which we’ll call Vec. It is a common example because we can explore all the interesting aspects of GADTs with them, but they’re simpler than many other examples. They also have a practical use, but it may be some time before we can get there.

Here is the definition of length-indexed vectors:

> data Vec :: Nat -> Type -> Type where
>   Nil  :: Vec Zero a
>   (:>) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (Succ n) a
> infixr 5 :>

Before getting all into the types, let’s look at what this means at runtime. A Vec is just a list. Compare its definition with that of the ordinary list type:

data [] :: Type -> Type where
  []  :: [] a
  (:) :: a -> [] a -> [] a
infixr 5 :

The only difference between these definitions is Vec’s Nat index. (The parameter to a type is sometimes called an index – especially when that parameter’s kind is not Type.) Accordingly, you can use Vecs wherever you can use a list.

That Nat index tracks the length of a Vec. We can see that the index of Nil is always Zero. (We see that because the type of Nil is always Vec Zero a. You can never have another number there.) We also see that the index of the result of a cons (that is, a :>) is always one more than the index of the tail of the list. (Here, I’m looking at the Succ in the result type of (:>).)

Let’s see some examples. But before we can see them, we’ll need a Show instance. It would be nice if we could write deriving Show in the Vec definition, but normal deriving doesn’t work with GADTs. (Try it and see what happens!) So we use another feature called “standalone-deriving” instead:

> deriving instance Show a => Show (Vec n a)

In a standalone-deriving declaration, you write deriving away from any other definition and you give the entire instance header, including any necessary context. You must also specify the StandaloneDeriving language extension. (If you forget either the context or the extension, GHC helpfully reminds you. Try this out!)

Now, we can define an example Vec:

> stuff = 5 :> 3 :> 8 :> Nil

First off, GHCi can happily print out stuff, showing us 5 :> (3 :> (8 :> Nil)). Those parentheses can be omitted, but the Show instance isn’t quite smart enough. What is stuffs type? (Think before you look.) GHCi reports that it’s

ghci> :t stuff
stuff :: Vec ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero))) Integer

Note the tick-marks in the printout. This type says that the length of the Vec is 3. This should not be terribly surprising.

How can we use this? Let’s walk through several examples.

First, we can define a head function that is guaranteed to be safe:

> safeHead :: Vec (Succ n) a -> a
> safeHead (x :> _) = x

We did it! safeHead now cannot be applied to the empty list!

Q: What happens if I try applying safeHead to the empty list:

ghci>  safeHead Nil

Despite having only one equation, safeHead is a total function. GHC can see that the index on the type of the argument is (Succ n); therefore, the argument cannot be Nil, whose index is Zero. Trying to add an equation safeHead Zero = error "urk" is actually an error with Inaccessible code. (Try it!) Being able to define safeHead is already a nice advantage of use Vec over lists.

Naturally, we can have the counterpart to safeHead, safeTail.

Q: Define the safeTail

> safeTail :: Vec (Succ n) a -> Vec n a
> safeTail (_ :> xs) = xs

But the type here is be a bit more involved, requiring us to think about the index of the resulting Vec. If the input type’s index is Succ n, well, the output type’s index had better be n: Once again, this function is total even though it misses the Nil case. Also of interest is that GHC checks to make sure that the return value really is one element shorter than the input. See what happens if you try safeTail xs = xs. GHC will notice that the index on the input Vec is not Succ applied to the index on the output Vec.

Let’s now write a recursive function, snoc. This function (cons spelled backwards) appends to the end of a Vec. It takes an input Vec, a new element, and produces an output Vec, one longer than the input:

> snoc :: Vec n a -> a -> Vec (Succ n) a
> snoc Nil       x = x :> Nil
> snoc (y :> ys) x = y :> snoc ys x

There’s quite a bit of heavy lifting going on in the types here. In the first equation, GHC learns that the index n is really Zero. So, the return value must then have type Vec (Succ Zero) a. And, sure enough, following the types of Nil and :> tells us that x :> Nil really does have type Vec (Succ Zero) a (if x :: a).

In the second equation, we see that y :> ys has type Vec n a. According to the type of :>, this means that ys must have type Vec m a for some m and that (y :> ys) :: Vec (Succ m) a. But if (y :> ys) :: Vec n a and (y :> ys) :: Vec (Succ m) a, this must mean that n equals Succ m. (GHC writes n ~ Succ m. The ~ is GHC’s notation for type equality.) Since the return value must have type Vec (Succ n) a, we now know that it must really have the type Vec (Succ (Succ m)) a. Happily, the right-hand side of the equation above, y :> snoc ys x really has that type. First, we see that snoc ys x has type Vec (Succ m) a (recalling that ys :: Vec m a). Then, :> just adds one more element.

Try playing with this definition to see that GHC will stop you from making many mistakes. Of course, the types don’t track the actual contents of the Vec, so confusing x with y won’t trigger a type error.

Untouchable variables If you omit the type of snoc you will get a weird type error:

  Couldn't match expected type t1 with actual type t
    t is untouchable

“Untouchable”? What does that mean? Section 5.2 of this paper on GHC’s type inference algorithm will tell you. (Section 5, up through 5.2, is actually quite accessible. I’m not joking when I link to the academic paper!) However, I can summarize: an untouchable variable is a type variable that GHC is unable to infer from the code written. This error almost always arises from a pattern match over a GADT that does not have a type signature. Indeed, our go helper function does a GADT pattern match, but go does not have a type signature, leading to this error.

The good news about untouchable errors is that they are generally straightforward to fix: just add a type signature.

We can now use snoc in another recursive function, reverse:

> reverse :: Vec n a -> Vec n a
> reverse Nil       = Nil
> reverse (x :> xs) = snoc (reverse xs) x

The type of reverse tells us that the output Vec has the same length of the input Vec. This type also means that GHC checks to make sure the implementation of reverse respects this property.

The definition is not all that remarkable, but it is worth taking the time to trace through the types, in order to see why reverse type-checks.

Concatenating Vecs

The Haskell Prelude comes with the (++) operator on lists:

(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
[]     ++ ys = ys
(x:xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys)

Translating the function definition to Vecs is easy:

> Nil       ++ ys = ys
> (x :> xs) ++ ys = x :> (xs ++ ys)
> infixr 5 ++

Of course, writing this function without a type signature leads to an untouchable error. So we must write a type. Seems simple enough: the function takes two Vecs and outputs a third:

(++) :: Vec n a -> Vec m a -> Vec ?????? a

The problem, of course, is that the result length is neither n nor m, the two input lengths. Instead, it must be the sum of n and m. We can’t simply write +, though, because we are working in a type, and the + that we know and love is an expression, not a type. Instead, we must define the + operation to work on type-level numbers, using a type family. I’ll write this type family in two ways to demonstrate:

> type family Plus (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) :: Nat where
>   Plus Zero     b = b
>   Plus (Succ a) b = Succ (Plus a b)
> type family a + b where
>   Zero   + b = b
>   Succ a + b = Succ (a + b)
> infixl 6 +

Type families are essentially functions on types. (I say “essentially” because I think the current design of type families in Haskell is a bit wrong.) They are defined by equations that control the compile-time evaluation of the type families. So, when we say Plus Zero (Succ Zero) in a type, that is equivalent to Succ Zero, according to the first equation. (You can see this in GHCi by typing :kind! Plus Zero (Succ Zero). Note the !, which causes GHCi to try to evaluate any type families in a type.)

The first definition above uses an alphanumeric name, Plus. Because this is a type, the name of the type must be written with an initial capital letter. This definition also gives the kinds of the two arguments and the result (in this case, all Nat, but there is no need for these to be the same).

The second definition uses a symbolic name, which can be any symbol, and omits the kind signature. GHC can use kind inference to figure it all out for you. There is no support for a standalone kind signature for type families the way there is for ordinary functions. Also, because the type-level + is fully unrelated to the ordinary +, we must give a fixity directive infixl 6 + to get the right precedence and associativity for type-level addition.

Now that we have these type families in hand, we can write the type signature for (++):

> (++) :: Vec n a -> Vec m a -> Vec (n + m) a

Let’s walk through how the definition of (++), above, matches this type.

In the Nil case, we learn that n is Zero. Thus, the output, ys, should be of type Vec (Zero + m) a. But by the definition of (+), we see that Zero + m is the same as m. So the output type is Vec m a, conveniently the type of ys.

In the :> case, we learn that n is Succ p for some p. The output type is now Vec (Succ p + m) a. But by the definition of (+), we see that Succ p + m is Succ (p + m), so that the output type is Vec (Succ (p + m)) a. The output expression is x :> (xs ++ ys), where xs :: Vec p a and ys :: Vec m a. By the type of (++), we see that xs ++ ys :: Vec (p + m) a, and thus the type of x :> (xs ++ ys) is Vec (Succ (p + m)) a, exactly what we want. Huzzah!

GHC does not know how to add

Consider the standard replicate function:

replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
replicate 0 _ = []
replicate n x = x : replicate (n-1) x

A call to replicate n x makes a list containing n copies of x. Translating this definition to work over Vecs is unsurprising… but the type is problematic. Consider this first draft:

replicate :: Int -> a -> Vec n a

The problem here is that the n in the output type is utterly unrelated to the input Int. That’s clearly wrong. A second problem is that the input number isn’t really an integer. It should be a natural number. Of course, updating the type to

replicate :: Nat -> a -> Vec n a
replicate Zero      _ = Nil
replicate (Succ n) x = x :> replicate n x

This gives us grief, though. The grief, in brief, is:

ghci>  Could not deduce: (m + 'Zero) ~ m
ghci>  Could not deduce: (m + 'Succ n1) ~ 'Succ (m + n1)

The problem is that GHC does not know how to add. These facts are plainly true of addition, but it’s not obvious to GHC from the definition of (+). Indeed, when we considered arithmetic on Nats, we had to prove these facts using induction. And, so, we will have to do write these proofs in Haskell in order for reverseVec to type-check. Writing proofs in Haskell requires singleton types, as we will see. So, let’s first explore singleton types, and then we’ll return, once again, to reverseVec.


What we need is a way of connecting the term-level, runtime natural number to a type-level, compile-time natural number. A singleton type does this for us. Here is the definition:

> data SNat :: Nat -> Type where
>   SZero :: SNat Zero
>   SSucc :: SNat n -> SNat (Succ n)

This is called a singleton type (or, more accurately, a family of singleton types… but I won’t be that accurate) because, for every index to SNat, there is exactly one inhabitant (ignoring the possibility of infinite recursion or undefined or other sort of cheating). That is, SNat Zero has exactly one inhabitant: SZero. SNat (Succ (Succ Zero)) has exactly one inhabitant: SSucc (SSucc SZero).

Theorem: For every n, SNat n has exactly one inhabitant.

Proof: By induction on n.


The close correspondence between the term-level value (created with SZero and SSucc) and the type-level index (created with Zero and Succ) means that the value and the type are isomorphic. Indeed, we can consider them to be equal, for the right definition of equality.

In practical terms, this means that an argument of type SNat n means that a function can use n at runtime and at compile-time. The runtime version is the inhabitant of SNat n and the compile-time version is just n. But these are always the same, so we need not consider them separately.

Perhaps going back to the example will make this all clearer. Here is the type (and body) of replicate:

> replicate :: SNat n -> a -> Vec n a
> replicate SZero      _ = Nil
> replicate (SSucc n') x = x :> replicate n' x

The n is used in the type because it is the index to the output type Vec n a. It is used in the term because we must pattern match on choice of n to determine how long to make the output list.

Dependent Types in Haskell

Singleton types are a way of faking dependent types in Haskell. There are several dependently typed languages available (Coq, Agda, Idris, and F* come to mind). Making Haskell a dependently typed languages is (up to now) independently persuit by Richard Eisenberg via signleton types and by me! In the rest few lectures we will see Liquid Haskell’s way to dependent programming, and I believe, it is much simpler!